Reborn!, known in Japan as Katekyō Hitman Reborn!, is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Akira Amano. The manga is about a young boy, Tsunayoshi Sawada, who discovers that he is next in line to become boss of the Vongola family, a powerful Mafia organization. The Vongolas' most powerful hitman, a gun-toting infant named Reborn, is sent to teach Tsuna how to be a boss.
The official behind-the-scenes companion to the stage musical adaptation of Back to the Future; includes the complete lyrics to all original songs!Welcome to Hill Valley! Creating Back to the Future...
In Russian folklore, Baba Yaga is a powerful witch who lives in a hut in the woods. Her hut travels with her, as it moves about on its chicken legs. If...
Great Scott! Bring fresh color to Marty McFly, Doc Brown, George, Lorraine, and Biff in more than 50 fan-favorite scenes recreated with all-new, detail-filled artwork in Back to the Future:...