AAA Anime Exclusive! The silver-haired Transmuter from Hunter x Hunter makes his way into your collection with his high-speed combat ability! The talented assassin raises his talents to new heights...
Help Kite defeat the Chimera Frog with the Hunter X Hunter Pop! Kite with Scythe. Add master weapon specialist Pop! Kite to your Animation collection, to round out your Hunter...
Test your strength and train with Pop! Netero, Head of the Exam Commission in Hunter X Hunter. Pop! Netero, the most powerful Nen user, awakens his abilities as a lotus...
Join the Double-Star Stone Hunter to help clear Greed Island. Pop! Biscuit Kreuger (Bisky) from Hunter X Hunter might look sweet and innocent, but she would make for a powerful...
AAA Anime Exclusive! The silver-haired Transmuter from Hunter x Hunter makes his way into your collection with his high-speed combat ability! The talented assassin raises his talents to new heights...
From Hunter x Hunter, Hisoka, as a stylized Pop. vinyl from Funko. Figure stands 3 3/4 inches and comes in a window display box. Check out the other Hunter x...