**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN 9(W) Gerry Duggan (A) C.F. VillaMARVEL PRH The Quiet Council...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN 8MARVEL PRH(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Javier Pina M.O.D.O.K. TAKES AIM...
"X-MEN 32 [FHX] (W) Gerry Duggan (A) Phil Noto BESTIES WITH BLOODY BLADES! Kate Pryde and Illyana Rasputin have been best friends for a long time. They've had good times,...
X-MEN 32 [FHX] (W) Gerry Duggan (A) Phil Noto BESTIES WITH BLOODY BLADES! Kate Pryde and Illyana Rasputin have been best friends for a long time. They've had good times,...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #6 LUCIO PARRILLO EXCLUSIVE VAR DX (02/12/2020) (W) Hickman, Jonathan...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #27MARVEL COMICS(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Phil NotoSOMETHING CAUGHT YOUR EYE?...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #6(W) Duggan, Gerry (A) Pina, JavierMARVEL PRHWHATEVER HAPPENED TO CAPTAIN...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #5(W) Duggan, Gerry (A) Pina, JavierMARVEL PRHENTER: DOCTOR STASIS! The...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #4(W) Duggan, Gerry (A) Pina, Javier MARVEL PRHHEADS UP! It's Halloween...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #4 LUCIO PARRILLO EXCLUSIVE VAR DX (W) Hickman, Jonathan (A)...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #27MARVEL COMICS(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Phil NotoSOMETHING CAUGHT YOUR EYE?...
X-MEN #28 [FALL] UNKNOWN COMICS DELL’OTTO EXCLUSIVE VAR (11/01/2023)**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #28 [FALL]MARVEL...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #26 [FALL]MARVEL COMICS(W) Gerry Duggan (A) James Towe (C) David Nakayama...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #24MARVEL COMICS(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Joshua CassaraPOGG UR-POGG FOR HIRE!...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #25 [FALL]MARVEL COMICS(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Stefano CaselliTHE FALL. She's...
**Item(s) may be a preorder and will not ship until or after the street date posted in the title.** X-MEN #25 [FALL]MARVEL COMICS(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Stefano CaselliTHE FALL. She's...