This Galactic Squadron Pack includes talented and loyal pilots such as Vult Skerris and Ciena Ree, featuring new abilities and upgrades based on their appearances in Star Wars: Rebels and...
Players will jump right into the action with this new Starter Set for Star Wars: X-Wing. The Rebel Alliance Squadron Single Player Starter contains everything a new player needs to...
For the Galactic Empire, conquering a planet is only the beginning of the battle. Massive vehicles like AT-STs and elite shock troops like Imperial Death Troopers may be effective at...
There is no more embittered rivalry than the one between Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader, the emperor's most terrifying enforcer and apprentice. Their duels have shaped the very...
Players can add even more thematic terrain to their games of Star Wars: Shatterpoint with the High Ground Terrain Pack! Whether they’re dueling on Mustafar or fighting for control of...
Whether spearheading surprise attacks on key Republic facilities or pirate raids on innocent worlds, the Trident-class assault ship heralds the arrival of hostile forces, emerging ominously from the seas of...
The reptilian bounty hunter Bossk is as tenacious as he is notorious, pursuing his targets doggedly in his customized YV-666 light freighter, the Hound’s Tooth, or launching his Z-95-AF4 Headhunter to...
The spark of hope has ignited! Now, the Resistance rises to meet the First Order, seeking to break its tyrannical hold over the galaxy! The Heralds of Hope Squadron Pack...
The durable VCX-100 light freighter and nimble Sheathipede-class shuttle can fight as a docked pair or split up to attack from multiple angles. When helmed by heroes like Hera Syndulla, Kanan...
Players will jump right into the action with this new Starter Set for Star Wars: X-Wing. The Galactic Empire Squadron Single Player Starter contains everything a new player needs to...
This Scum and Villany Squadron Pack includes wanted criminals such as Kanan Jarrus and Arliz Hadrassian, featuring new abilities and upgrades based on their appearances in The Last Padawan and...
Unable to match the Empire’s production of military equipment, the Rebel Alliance makes do with whatever they have on hand—which often means converting civilian vehicles into weapons of war. In...
Make a fortified Imperial Bunker a centerpiece of your Star Wars: Legion battles with the Imperial Bunker Battlefield Expansion! Whether protecting what lies within, or fighting to extract vital information,...
The AAT Trade Federation battle tank is a hard-hitting vehicle favored by Separatist commanders like Lok Durd. While its droid operators require precise commands to be used to full effect,...
The battlefields of Star Wars: Shatterpoint become even more thematic with this terrain pack! Containing a host of different terrain, including a Swoop Bike, a GNK Power Droid, and a...
The Onager-class Star Destroyer is a specialized platform for some of the Empire’s most dangerous weaponry. The arrival of its ominous silhouette in orbit heralds a bombardment by massive particle...