Yuji Itadori is ready to fight alongside his fellow classmates to become the next generation of jujutsu sorcerers. As Sukuna’s vessel, he combines cursed energy with martial art skills to...
Aiming to be a Pro Hero, Tamaki Amajiki, also known as his hero name Suneater, will need to persevere through his U.A. High School training to prove that he's hero...
Alchemist, Edward Elric is searching for the Philosopher's Stone to repair his brother, Alphonse, from a failed transmutation experiment. Add Pop! Edward Elric to your Fullmetal Alchemist collection to continue...
Add sparkle to your My Hero Academia collection with Pop! Yuga Aoyama. Pop! Yuga Aoyama wears a glittering cape and signature winged, red-tinted lenses. He wants to say, “bonjour” to...
Goku and Vegeta have successfully fused, creating the most powerful warrior, in order to protect Earth and your Dragon Ball Z collection from attackers. Collect Pop! Vegito to save your...
Join the Double-Star Stone Hunter to help clear Greed Island. Pop! Biscuit Kreuger (Bisky) from Hunter X Hunter might look sweet and innocent, but she would make for a powerful...
From My hero Academia, tokoyami, as a stylized POP vinyl from Funko! Figure stands 3 3/4 inches and comes in a window display box. Check out the other My hero...
As an infant, Goku was sent to destroy Earth but ended up becoming one of the planet's greatest heroes after a head injury rid the young Saiyan of his senselessly...
Come check out this new pop! drop from Marvel Comics and Funko, featuring The Avengers. Visit Your Favorite T-Shirts for Funko pre-orders and other exclusives!