Blackagar Boltagon, known as Black Bolt, is the king of the Inhumans, a strain of humans genetically engineered by the Kree Empire to be living weapons. With his voice, Black...
Thanos’ Black Order gains two powerful new members in Marvel: Crisis Protocol with Black Swan & Supergiant! A princess of an alternate Earth, Black Swan uses her ability to project...
Players can begin recruiting their own Brotherhood of Mutants for their games of Marvel: Crisis Protocol with this new Affiliation Pack! Bringing together highly detailed miniatures of Magneto, Mystique, Sabretooth,...
As a boy, Matt Murdock was blinded in an accident involving radioactive chemicals. Though he could no longer see, the chemicals heightened Murdock’s other senses and imbued him with an...
Superpowered siblings join the X-Men in the Colossus & Magik Character Pack for Marvel: Crisis Protocol! Born in Siberia, Piotr Rasputin is a mutant with a skin of steel and...
Welcome true believer to Marvel: Crisis Protocol, a tabletop hobby miniatures game of climactic combat! Assemble your team from across the Marvel Universe and lead your superpowered forces against your...
Dimitri Bukharin is the fifth man to bear the title of Crimson Dynamo and the current leader of the Winter Guard. Following the failure of his predecessor Yuri Petrovich, Bukharin...
Welcome to the Deadpool character pack, brought to you by me: the amazing Deadpool! Once terminal cancer patient Wade Wilson, I, the aforementioned Wade Wilson, was transformed into the incredible...
A legendary Jedi Master crashes the party in this pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint! Few can challenge the prowess of Mace Windu and this pack brings this legendary swordsman to...
Deploy your troops into the heart of battle with the A-A5 Speeder Truck Unit Expansion for Star Wars: legion! A frequent sight in the Outer Rim Territories, the A-A5 speeder...
Bring one of the Galactic Republic’s greatest heroes to your armies with the Anakin Skywalker Commander Expansion for Star Wars: Legion! A powerful Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker grows stronger with...
Take your revenge with the Darth Maul and Sith Probe Droids Operative Expansion for Star Wars: Legion! Finally ready to reveal himself to his foes, Darth Maul brings his menacing...
Roll the dice and lead your forces to victory with the Lando Calrissian Commander Expansion for Star Wars: Legion! One of the most infamous gamblers in the Star Wars galaxy,...
No matter where the Rebel Alliance establishes one of its bases, it must always be prepared for an Imperial attack. Rebel ground troops are always willing to put themselves in...
The AAT Trade Federation battle tank is a hard-hitting vehicle favored by Separatist commanders like Lok Durd. While its droid operators require precise commands to be used to full effect,...