Players can shatter mountains and break storms in their games of Marvel: Crisis Protocol with the new characters introduced in this pack! After proving himself to none other than Odin...
Blackagar Boltagon, known as Black Bolt, is the king of the Inhumans, a strain of humans genetically engineered by the Kree Empire to be living weapons. With his voice, Black...
The forces of Asgard unite in this squad pack for Marvel: Crisis Protocol! Bringing together Thor, Valkyrie, Hela, and Loki, this pack is the perfect way for your players to...
Thanos’ Black Order gains two powerful new members in Marvel: Crisis Protocol with Black Swan & Supergiant! A princess of an alternate Earth, Black Swan uses her ability to project...
Evil never dies in this new pack for Marvel: Crisis Protocol! Baron Wolfgang von Strucker may have been born into the ranks of the nobility, but he has spent his...
Two spider-enhanced characters join Marvel: Crisis Protocol in this new pack! Once a high school bully to Peter Parker, a matured Flash Thompson is now designated Agent Venom and carries...
Amora the Enchantress has devoted her immortal life to the pursuit of power. One of the most powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, Amora is well known for her immense beauty and...
In the years since being bitten by a radioactive spider, Peter Parker’s life has been one constant adventure after another. From battling super-powered foes of every size and description to...
This miniatures game is overflowing with awesomeness! Experience the events of Marvel Studios What If…? like never before in this smash hit Miniatures Game standalone experience. What If…? reimagines the...
DC Comics HeroClix Superman and Wonder Woman set has 76 figures to collect (16 Common, 16 Uncommon, 16 Rare, 12 Super Rare, 6 Chase, 4 Prime & 6 Colossals). Sub-themes...
A new-era for the X-Men begins here! The X-Men are no stranger to struggle, but some foes will rock the entire GALAXY! Based on the critically acclaimed story Rise &...
Well, here's the thing Charles... It's not a dream if it's real. Mutants are the future, and the future begins now! The stories of HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF...
HeroClix Dice and Token Packs contain 2 custom dice featuring a special logo to match the set, and 6 action tokens featuring rubber-burning riders like Johnny Blaze, Robbie Reyes, and Danny Ketch! On the reverse...
The crackle of flames, the rattle of chains, the revving of an engine - it's the unmistakable sound of GHOST RIDER! Experience the Spirit of Vengeance like never before in this bone-chilling HeroClix set!...
The crackle of flames, the rattle of chains, the revving of engines - it's the unmistakable sound of GHOST RIDER! Experience the Spirit of Vengeance like never before in this bone-chilling HeroClix...