This Transformers Studio Series Voyager Transformers: Bumblebee Thrust figure converts from robot to tetrajet mode in 31 steps. Remove backdrop to showcase Thrust in the Cybertron Falls scene. In the...
Inspired by Transformers: The Movie, you can build an army with Transformers Studio Series 86 Deluxe Sharkticon Gnaw! Transforming from robot to a bug-eyed big-mouthed underwater monster, this robot is...
"Who disrupts my coronation?" Not us, we're making this happen! This Studio Series 86-12 Leader Class The Transformers: The Movie-inspired Coronation Starscream figure converts from robot to jet mode in...
He's big! This Studio Series 86-15 Leader Class The Transformers: The Movie-inspired Dinobot Sludge figure converts from robot to brontosaurus mode in 31 steps. Comes with a blaster accessory. Remove backdrop...
He's got the touch! This Studio Series 86 Voyager Class The Transformers: The Movie-inspired Autobot Hot Rod figure converts from robot to sports car mode in 29 steps. Remove backdrop...
This Studio Series 86-14 Voyager Class The Transformers: The Movie-inspired Junkheap figure converts from robot to motorcycle mode in 22 steps. Remove backdrop to showcase Junkheap toy in the Junkion...
Fresh from the garbage piles of the planet of junk, it's Transformers Studio Series 86 Voyager Wreck-Gar! (Actually he's not junk, he's a transforming motorcycle inspired by Transformers: The Movie...
This space is reserved for Studio Series Kup! This Studio Series 86-02 Deluxe Class The Transformers: The Movie-inspired Kup figure converts from robot to Cybertronian truck mode in 21 steps....
This Studio Series 86-03 Deluxe Class The Transformers: The Movie-inspired Blurr figure converts from robot to Cybertronian hovercar mode in 18 steps. Remove backdrop to showcase Blurr in the Battle...
Just like you remember from The Transformers and Transformers: The Movie, it's the super-smart Perceptor! This Studio Series 86-11 Deluxe Class Transformers: The Movie-inspired Perceptor figure converts from robot to microscope mode in...
The next evolution of "robots in disguise" is here! Celebrate the movie series! They all include exceptional articulation and cool accessories. The next evolution of "robots in disguise" is here...
The next evolution of "robots in disguise" is here! Celebrate the movie series! They all include exceptional articulation and cool accessories. The next evolution of "robots in disguise" is here...
This Studio Series 85 Deluxe Class Transformers: Bumblebee-inspired Arcee figure converts from robot to Cybertronian motorcycle mode in 23 steps. Comes with 2 blaster accessories that attach in both modes. Remove...
This Studio Series 80 Deluxe Class Transformers: Bumblebee-inspired Brawn figure converts from robot to Cybertronian off-road vehicle mode in 18 steps. Remove backdrop to showcase Brawn in the Cybertron Falls...
Get ready for action with the Transformers Studio Series Deluxe Class Jolt! Inspired by his appearance in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Jolt includes more detail than ever and includes...
This Studio Series 84 Deluxe Class Transformers: Bumblebee-inspired Ironhide figure converts from robot to a Cybertronian tank mode in 22 steps. Remove backdrop to showcase Ironhide in the Cybertron Falls scene....