War! The Separatist Alliance has driven a spike into the heart of the galaxy, splintering the once-unified worlds with chaos, tyranny, and fear. At the heart of this offensive is...
Players relive a pivotal battle in the Star Wars saga with this new Scenario Pack for Star Wars: X-Wing! Siege of Coruscant puts players on both sides of this monumental...
The Sith operate in the shadows. As they unfold their dark machinations across the galaxy, they need a ship that matches their nefarious purposes. Casting a menacing shadow as it...
This Galactic Squadron Pack includes talented and loyal pilots such as Vult Skerris and Ciena Ree, featuring new abilities and upgrades based on their appearances in Star Wars: Rebels and...
No ship has become more emblematic of the Rebel Alliance than the T-65 X-wing. A mainstay of the Rebel fleet throughout the Galactic Civil War, this versatile craft was present...
Upgraded for maximum tactical flexibility, the Incom-FreiTek T-70 X-wing can equip a wide variety of astromechs, weapons, and other customizations preferred by individual pilots. These heroes of the Resistance Starfighter...
A fighter so powerful and advanced that Phoenix Squadron feared its mass production could make the Imperial Navy unbeatable, the TIE/D defender features powerful shields, speed and maneuverability, and a...
Developed using technologies pioneered for the Empire’s TIE Advanced program, the TIE/fo fighter is a shielded, mass-produced TIE fighter that the First Order can use to spread terror across the...
With incredible engine output, a lightweight frame, and precise thrusters for close maneuvering, the TIE/in interceptor is a vessel for the most elite Imperial aces. Only those with nerves of...
Few sounds can strike fear into the heart of a starfighter pilot like the howl of an incoming group of Imperial TIE/ln fighters. The iconic fighter of the Galactic Empire,...
The TIE/rb Heavy is one of the largest TIE variants produced for the Galactic Empire and is often assigned to patrol routes where it is expected to fight without the...
Development of the TIE/sf fighter required Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems to pioneer new energy-cell technology to power the advanced systems demanded by the First Order Special Forces. The resulting starfighter boasts...
Screaming through the atmosphere on nimble ailerons, the TIE/sk striker is a unique starfighter designed to excel at both air and space assaults. Its atmospheric capabilities give it unique and...
The TIE/vn silencer is the most elite starfighter developed for the First Order by Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems. Built in the depths of the Unknown Regions with the technologies that once...
Whether spearheading surprise attacks on key Republic facilities or pirate raids on innocent worlds, the Trident-class assault ship heralds the arrival of hostile forces, emerging ominously from the seas of...
A durable vessel capable of independent patrols, the VT-49 Decimator’s size and power blurred the line between shuttle and corvette—but the same qualities that endeared it to up-and-coming Imperial officers...