From Medicom Toy. Based on Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel, this highly detailed MAFEX Superman stands 6 1/4" tall. Superman features a fabric cape and a high level of articulation for acting...
From Medicom Toy. From the classic Batman: Hush storyline by Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee, Stealth Jumper Batman joins the MAFEX line from Medicom. Batman wears his stealth jumper's equipment and suit with a real...
From MEDICOM Toy. A PREVIEWS Exclusive! Based on DC Comics' 2003 Superman: Red Son by Mark Millar and Dave Johnson, here's MEDICOM's Real Action Heroes version of what the Man...
From Medicom Toy. Bruce Wayne is back and is not ready to retire just yet! Batman is ready to put Superman in his place with his new Armored Batsuit. Standing roughly 6 1/4"...
From MEDICOM Toy. From the movie Evangelion New Theatrical Version: Q is a detailed 7 1/2" MAFEX of EVA 13 that comes with alternate hands, two Longinus spears, an RS...
From Medicom Toy. From MAFEX's incredible line of action figures comes 2021 versions of Evangelion Unit 01 and Evangelion Unit 13 from the latest Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time film! Not only do these figures boast...
From Medicom Toy. From MAFEX's incredible line of action figures comes a 2021 version of Evangelion Unit 13 from the latest Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time film! Not only does this figure boast maximum...
From Medicom Toy. As seen in the popular DC Comics graphic novel Batman: Hush by Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee, Harley Quinn joins the MaFEX line of figures from Medicom! Sporting her iconic red and...
From Medicom Toy. Medicom unveils their newest release in the MAFEX line of 6" articulated figures! Featuring a high level of articulation, this Lebron James figure features a cloth Lakers...
From Medicom. Led by Michael Jordan, the "Dream Team" (ie., the 1992 Team USA Olympic Basketball Team) achieved Olympic gold at the 1992 Olympic games in Barcelona. This MAF EX...
4530956471440 rom MEDICOM Toy. From MEDICOM comes a new addition to its MAFEX line: The Joker from New Batman Adventures! Based on the second version of Joker from the 1990s Batman animated series, this new MAFEX figure stands at...
From the hit AMC series Preacher, the Cassidy statue is based on a painting by artist Rory Kurtz, capturing not only the physical details of the character, but painted to...
From the hit AMC series Preacher, the Jesse Custer statue is based on a painting by artist Rory Kurtz, capturing not only the physical details of the character, but painted...
From Storm Collectibles. Like Goro and Sheeva, Kintaro is of the four-armed Shokan race. Unlike his aristocratic comrades, however, he is of lower-class Tigrar lineage. This 1/12-scale fully articulated action figure of Kintaro features 3...
Watch out for that tail! Mighty Motaro measures roughly 9 2/5-inches tall. Comes with 2 interchangeable head sculpts, 3 pairs of hands, and a fireball effect. Fans of Mortal Kombat...
An assassin of the Lin Kuei clan, Kuai Liang commands the power of ice and cold. Unlike other members of his clan, he and his older brother, Bi-Han, were abducted...